Jane Rita O'Shaughnessy

Last thoughts, poems, and other Writings

Early Childhood

Jane was born on October 20, 1974, at Stone Park Maternity Hospital in Beckenham, Kent. As she entered the world, emerging from the birth canal, her head looked round in wonder, her blue eyes intensely focused. That same intensity of focus is there in her last writings.

She was much-loved by her two brothers. All three contributed to a harmonious home atmosphere, were thoughtful and considerate, with a large circle of friends.

As a young child, Jane faced the idea that there might be evil in the world with total incredulity. She could not believe that people could be cruel to each other. Later on, at the age of fourteen, when she visited Anne Frank’s house in Amsterdam on a school trip, she was to linger in Anne’s room and reflect deeply on Anne’s experience.

There were annual holidays to Torquay and Exeter, staying with grandparents. In turn, the grandparents came up to London to stay with us. We felt it important for the children to have quality time with their grandparents, both maternal and paternal. As a result they developed a great love of Devon, both the country and the coastal areas.

Jane belonged to Brownies, Guides, Music, Dance and Theatre Groups. There were frequent visits to South London cinemas and all three were madly keen on football, supporting Torquay United, attending many games at home and away. It’s poignant that the yellow and blue colours on this website evoke the Torquay United colours.