Jane Rita O'Shaughnessy

Last thoughts, poems, and other Writings

The Mail On Sunday

We were approached by Louise France, a writer for the Mail’s Weekend Magazine, to do a family narrative about Jane’s life and diary. A copy had been seen by writers at the Mail and Louise had been chosen to contact us, do the interview and the write-up. We were to supply a selection of photos to accompany the article which would be spread over three pages in the magazine. A photographer would be sent to the house to photograph the family. A donation would be made to Leukaemia Care.

Louise carried out the assignment with sensitivity and professionalism. Not only was she in constant touch for several months, advising on this and that, but she attended the first memorial mass on the anniversary of Jane’s death.

The article, Diary of a daughter who wouldn’t give up, was beautifully produced and led to a flurry of letters including one from a film director about possibly making a television play from the story.

It was no picnic giving such interviews during a time of intense, debilitating grief for the family. But the level of interest from the public was such that we felt compelled to share  Jane’s message. We had many wonderful letters from readers who, very ill themselves, had been given hope and strength by reading her writing. We were not surprised when, a few years later, the Mail approached us to run the story again.